Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Taking my brother to work.

Today before we took my brother to work, mommy let me play outside in the yard for a bit. I love to chase my mawmaw's dog, Nala, and have her chase me. Didn't do a lot of running today though, it was soooooo hot!! Momma said it was over 100 degress, ewww. She laughed when I wouldn't run around and said it had to be very hot to keep me from running, cause I am usually always on the run. We went and sat in the van while waiting for my brother to finish getting ready. When we dropped him off at work, we decided to go in and pick up some groceries. I helped momma push the cart and she got me some apple slices and pineapple, yummy!!! I even help her carry groceries in the house. She says I am really getting to be such a big girl!! I like to help once in awhile, but then there are those times when I just want to see what's in the bags, heehee.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

They caught me sleeping!

Just so everyone knows, and I know most of you do know, lol, it is very rare to catch an "angel" sleeping. I have to give it up to my mommy though, she did it. She even managed to catch it on camera!! I have to admit though, I look darn cute when I'm asleep! I bet mommy wishes she could see me like this more often, heehee. When will she realize that I just don't need that much sleep, and she just needs to learn to like coffee and deal with it, hehe!!!

Monday, July 28, 2008

Puppies everywhere!!!

Back in March of this year, my mawmaw Carol's dog, Nala, had 8 puppies. Well mommy and mawmaw tried to keep them a secret as they both know how much I LOVE puppies. I figured it out and saw them on the third day after they were born. Oh boy, I was excited and constantly trying to get into Mawmaw's room to see them. They finally got big enough that I could play with them. Here's a picture of me in the yard with them. We found them really good homes to go to. My bus driver, Miss Linda, even took one, so I can still see him every now and then. I miss those puppies, but am glad that they are in good homes with other kids and making other people happy.

Family Vacation

This past June we went to visit my Pawpaw and Granny in Alabama. All of us went, including my step-brother Aaron and my step-sister, Sarah. We had so much fun!! Mommy and MarkyMark took us to Florida for 2 days so I could see the beach. I really like water, but didn't care for the ocean water. The waves kept knocking me over, so I hung on tight to my mom. It was much better sitting in the very shallow water and playing with the sand. I loved finding seashells with my mom. We even brought some back home with us. I also got to swimming in the lake in Alabama with my two aunts, Jamie and Julie, plus my cousins, Jade, Jannah, Tyler, Aubrie, and Tanner. We had so much fun swimming and having a picnic. My granny has 3 dogs and we brought our dog, Sofie, so I had plenty of puppies around me all the time. I can't wait until we can go back again and see them. Mommy says we will next year! Yahhhh!

Shelby's haircut

My mommy (with help from my mawmaw) finally found a wonderful stylist here in Jefferson who was not only patient, but just the sweetest person. So mommy decided it was time for me to get most of my hair cut off as it was getting so long, and heavy and very, very hot in this Texas weather. Mommy also had a very hard time combing out the tangles, as I hated sitting still and having it brushed, haha. Miss Stacy did a great job cutting it and I did get a bit impatient and uncooperative (nothing new, hehe), but as soon as mommy promised me a balloon if I sat still, I did, I sat as still and pretty as I could, heehee. I did so great that Miss Nadine, who owns the shop, gave me $2.00 so I could buy the balloon myself! As soon as we were done, we went over to the grocery store where mawmaw Carol works and I picked a pretty balloon with a puppy on it and paid for it by myself. Mommy said she was so proud of me and I have to admit, I'm a bit proud of myself too! :) Mommy also said that I seem to have more bounce in my step since having my haircut and my hair is pretty bouncy too! I really liked Miss Nadine's shop and I'm pretty sure I won't mind getting my hair cut anymore now, haha. Oh yeah, Miss Stacy cut off over 10 inches of my hair, so I got to donate it to "Locks for Love" so that some girl who is sick, can now have a wig made of my pretty hair. I think that is so neat!!